
Wade builds a bespoke range of highly-secure prisoner transport vehicles in various sizes and configurations to suit a wide range of customer needs.

Extensive computer modelling plus exhaustive field testing ensures our vehicles are not only fit-for-purpose, they provide the highest level of safety and security to drivers, guards and prisoners alike.

Key capabilities:

  • Full design and build fulfilment
  • Extensive experience with prisoner transport vehicles
  • Highly collaborative design process
  • 3D scanning and design
  • ISO certifications

Carl Fitzwater
Operations Manager – Commercial Vehicles

+64 21 151 3900 

Prisoner Escort Vehicle
As Fleet Manager for Ara Poutama Aotearoa Department of Corrections I have dealt with Wade Group for the past 7 and half years.  They have proven to be an expert supplier of specialist prison escort vehicles for our unique environment as well providing fit out services to our passenger minibus vans. They have satisfied our rigorous safety and security standards and continue to provide us with dependable after-sales support.
David Jacobs
Fleet Manager Dept. of Corrections